合成生物学に基づく創造的バイオプロダクション技術の開発/ Synthetic Biology for Novel Bioproduction Technologies
Synthetic biology, a research field in which biochemically characterized biomolecules, such as genes and enzymes, are assembled to re-build particular biological systems for understanding their function, has recently emerged. Synthetic biology has also been employed to develop artificial biological systems which can be used in various industrial sectors, including chemical, food, energy, and environment. Our laboratory focuses on the diverse and unique physiology of extremophiles, such as thermophiles, and aims to develop novel industrially useful systems by combining their biomolecules with synthetic biological approaches. Some representative examples of our activities are shown below.
好熱性酵素を用いた人工代謝経路の細胞外構築/ Construction of in vitro metabolic pathways with thermophilic enzymes
Bioproduction of useful compounds has been widely recognized as a key technology to promote the sustainability of chemical industries. Our group has developed a novel technology to engineer an artificial metabolic pathway specialized for chemical manufacturing by assembling multiple enzymes in vitro. Enzymes from thermophilic microorganisms are heterologously expressed in mesophilic hosts (e.g., Escherichia coli) and used as catalytic modules for pathway construction. This approach is, in principle, available for all thermophilic enzymes as long as they can be functionally expressed in mesophilic hosts, allowing us to design a bespoke metabolic pathway in vitro. We referred to this technology as “in vitro metabolic engineering” and construct a variety of artificial pathways for the on-demand production of useful compounds.
進化によるものづくり・いきものづくり/ Evolution-aided Biological Molecule and System Design
いかに精密かつ巧妙に機能する生体分子(あるいはこれらが組み合わさってできる生体システム)も、それらは例外なく「進化」の所産であり、何ら知的な造作物ではありません。生物が望むと望まざると身につけている「進化」という属性が、高度に洗練された生物機能を実現します。膨大な試行錯誤の産物であるため、「進化」は一見非合理的な方法であると思われがちですが、進化は成功に裏付けられた万能なものづくり技術です。人類はこれまでにも「進化」を利用してきました。動植物の品種改良・育種などがこれにあたります。我々はこの「進化によるものづくり 〜進化分子工学〜」を、酵素・タンパク質・システム・宿主機能の改変・改良に適用します。特に高次生物機能の改良に有効なリボソーム工学やゲノム編集等に関わる先端技術を独自開発しています。
Biological systems, no matter the complexity or precision, are the result of “evolution”, not “intelligent design”. The dazzling biodiversity we see on Earth is the result of sophisticated biology driven by “evolution”. The process of “evolution” is often thought of as irrational, or random, due to its trial-and-error nature. However, mankind has used “evolution” over the course of many generations to breed ancient animals, plants, and microorganisms into the modern variants present today. Now, we harness “evolution” to develop molecular technologies. This development of new technologies requires careful design of evolutionary selection parameters to optimize the evolution process. To this end, we focus on the development of two synthetic evolution methods: ribosomal engineering and genome editing technology.
好熱菌が作る生理活性物質/Bioactive compounds from thermophiles
Many of the bioactive compounds, such as antibiotics and anti-cancer drugs, are produced by a group of microorganisms called actinomycetes, which have contributed greatly to human development. On the other hand, the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria due to the overuse of antibiotics has become a serious problem, and the discovery and development of new candidate compounds for new drugs has become an urgent issue. However, the number of reported cases of new useful compounds has been decreasing. We have focused on thermophiles, which have not been studied extensively as a source of bioactive compounds, and are aiming to discover and apply bioactive compounds produced by thermophiles. We also elucidate the enzymatic reaction mechanisms for the biosynthesis of the compounds, and promote from both the basic and applied perspectives. At the same time, we are also searching for new compounds produced by actinomycetes, which are still the largest source of bioactive compounds.